"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." -- Mark Twain

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sunday night. You'd think I'd be happy because it's the end of a relaxing weekend, but that's just it: it's the END of the weekend, and like 99% of the teenagers on this earth, I've left the bulk of my homework until now.

It has certainly been an interesting weekend in terms of the spectrum of weather we've experienced. Saturday morning (and a large part of the afternoon), it was pouring. Then it cleared up around 2 or 3 and we had a gorgeous late afternoon/evening. So much wind though. My hair was whippin' back and forth whether I wanted it to or not. Then, of course, it snowed. What is a weekend in Minnesota without snow, after all?
30 degree weather and snow on the first of May.
Seriously? I legit almost got frostbite standing outside for 45 minutes.

I'm so inept at typing. Like there has actually been at least one word out of every sentence I've typed in the last week that has been wrong. I almost spelled Minnesota wrong, for example, in the last paragraph. Minessota. Failure.

So I know I was hating on the Royal Wedding (should that be capitalized? eh, I'm too lazy to look it up.) in my last post, but since there has been such a large obsession globally, I figured I'd at least look at some pictures. Don't worry, I didn't give in and watch the actual wedding or anything, I just watched a clip of their kiss(es) on the balcony, and the planes flying over. I have to admit, that girl is GORGEOUS. It's mildly disheartening for the rest of the women in the world.

K, let me catch my breath from screaming.

Castle. Holy mother of pearl, that show is amazing. Second season, Vampire Weekend episode. Watch it. My mind was blown 4 times. And I was mildly afraid to drive home in the dark.

The Odyssey can go die. I don't know how it should be killed, but no one should have to go through the torture I'm going through right now writing about that book. Man, Homer was a lunatic.

Remember how I said I had two nosebleeds on Friday? Well, I got two more later in the day. THAT IS FOUR NOSEBLEEDS. In one day. I feel like this much blood loss is not healthy.

Speaking of things that aren't healthy, my left eye has been bloodshot for 3 days now. I sincerely hope I don't have pinkeye, and I ESPECIALLY hope I didn't give it to anyone if I have it.
It's probably nothing, but watch your eyes. And if you see me at school tomorrow, don't worry, I haven't been doing drugs or anything.

Starship came out yesterday!!! I looked at the videos at 12:00 (they came out at 9) and they only had like 300 views a piece and I was like "Whaaaaat? This is whack." But I just checked, and now they have 110,000 some views. And the album is #5 on iTunes. No big deal or anything.
But I have to say... it is one weird show. I only watched the first two videos so far, and its just like puppet bugs. WTF? Definitely no where near as cool as AVPM/AVPS yet.

Well I probably have some homework I've forgotten, so I'm going to go check on that, and then sleep like no other. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! (get it? bugs? starship? oh, never mind.)

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