I(and a couple other poofs) made t-shirts for the Glee Live Tour concert (p.s. it happens to be in 2 EFFING DAYS!!!?!@!gdgiokv{y{p>y) and we were using glow-in-the-dark paint. Whenever I was done using that color for a bit, I would wipe it off on the back of my hand just because it was convenient. WELL, the freakiest thing happened: I was almost asleep that night when I looked at my hand and PARTS OF IT WERE GLOWING! At first I was like "What the-?!" but then I remembered the paint, and was mildly less freaked-out. Here's what my shirt looks like so far:
Just pretend it says "SUPER MEGA FOXY AWESOME HOT" under the writing in the second picture. That's my task for tomorrow...
I had a fantastic list of things to do this summer that I was going to post, but they were saved on my i-pod, which has been temporarily taken by my mother because I may or may not have been spending copious amounts of time on it. Pshhh....yea well I'll post it when I get it back.
Eff school (I would use the actually word, but it has come to my attention that my sister has discovered my blog... hi Lillian. P.S. I found your formspring >:) Anyway, I have seriously checked out. If if weren't for me being SO CLOSE to an A instead of an A- in Honors communications, I would completely stop caring.
Speaking of communications, my teacher is a psycho. She hits kids, literally. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. That's generally the meaning of literally. I just keep thinking only 7 more days. I'm thinking of egging her house. No, I wouldn't actually do that, but I could, because I found out where she lives from one of my friends in band who lives by here. I'm not stalking her, don't worry, I just drove this girl home, and she was telling us about her neighbors...
So I went shopping today for mainly short, and I ended up getting only one pair. That's probaby due to the fact that all shorts are either 50+ dollars or scandalously short. I tried to find a pair that is "school appropriate", but apparently I have ridiculously long arms, which makes this nearly impossible without getting bermudas. Anyway, here's what I got:
You probably don't care about what clothes I bought, and I don't blame you, but I'm in a weird mood so deal.
What's with all these storms lately? Not that I don't like them, because I LOVE them, but isn't April supposed to be the rainy month? Oh, right. It was snowing then...
It was seriously like 90 degrees today. SO FABULOUS! Except for my hair, which was so frizzy it looked like a bomb went off. I shouldn't joke about bombs, especially considering it's Memorial Day (btw, thanks troops) but you should see it.
My bio project literally sucks. It makes about zero sense, but its 12 a.m. and you know what? You guessed it... I DON'T CARE.
Ugh. On that sassy note, I shall blog soon. Thanks for reading! Tell your friends!