"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." -- Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

12 and 16

Hey guys!

So today I did a Q/A thing with my friend where we asked each other questions that we wrote for each other. Ad since I already answered the ones she asked me, I'm going to answer some of the questions that I asked her. So enjoy, and maybe you'll get to know a little more about me!

1. What is your favorite color to paint your toenails?
A: Red or teal

2. If you could have anything as a pendant on a necklace, what would it be?
A: A little camera pendant

3: If you could be any Harry Potter character, which would you be?
A: Neville Longbottom

4: What is your favorite musical group or artist?
A: Ellie Goulding (side note: I just got tickets to her concert. CANNOT WAIT!)

5: What is your favorite club, organization or group that you have ever been a part of?
A: Drumline

6: Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
A: Darren Criss (for anyone who doesn't already know this, get off my blog. Just kidding, thanks for reading. But seriously, come on.)

7: Do you collect anything? If so, what?
A: Yes, I collect the Sunday comics from the newspaper (the ones in color.)

8: What is your favorite word to say?
A: Effervescence or translucent.

9: What is your least favorite color?
A: Pink.

10: What is your favorite article of clothing?
A: Sweatshirt or flip-flops. Obviously it kind of depends on the season.

11. Do you sing in the shower?
A: Dur.

12: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A: Great Britain!

I'll leave it at 12 questions, because guess what is happening that has to do with a 12? MY BIRTHDAY! It's August 12, and I'm turning 16.


No. Shut the hell up. The people who are on that show "My Super Sweet Sixteen" make me want to punch them in the face. Jesus.

I basically only want two gifts from my parents this year. A camera and a massive roll of cork board. I have a camera now that works just fine, so this request may make me start to seem like those spoiled brats on that show, but let me explain why. My current camera has extremely terrible quality, and I really enjoy taking pictures for the beauty of them and for keeping the memories. Not for taking shallow pictures of me and my friends "chucking up deuces". What a stupid saying. That sounds like you're throwing up. Anyway, my other request, the cork board is to cover one wall in my room. It's where I would like to hang the pictures I would like to take with my new camera.

So I hope you guys are having a positive and productive summer(possibly the two nerdiest words one can use to describe summer) and I wish everyone explosions of phantastic times until that day in September comes. Until next post. :)

P.S. I'm going to see Bluewater's production of "Anything Goes" on Thursday evening, and I can hardly contain my anticipation. If you're in the show, break a leg :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Slooty Darren

I've had a Darren Criss overload lately. Like more than usual. I watched A Very Potter Musical, then Starkid's mini web-series "Little White Lie", and then a short Darren had a tiny part in, "I Adora You", and then a little bit of "Eastwick". While I thoroughly enjoyed his face, I started noticing a patten. HE MAKES OUT ALL THE TIME! In literally all of these videos he makes out at least once. Here are links: (The time it happens in the video is below the link)

AVPM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZwaYwC4kvk

Little White Lie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_GL1xfEzE

I Adora You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C77dHkgsTM

Eastwick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_hpRD-dMD8&feature=related

I really don't know what to make of these. Just thought I'd enlighten (what?) you.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spread the Love


I literally just googled "greetings" because I couldn't think of an interesting opening. So that's what you get :)

I got a tumblr. I'm kind of sick of the title "Dancing Like Nobody's Watching" though, so if anyone has and better titles for it, I could use an idea.

I should really start being more productive, but I've just settled into a horrible cycle. Wake up at 12, have what you could call a meal, watch TV for about 4 hours, eat another ambiguous meal, take a shower, spend like 2 hours on my i-pod, and go to bead around 1. At least I kinda/mostly cleaned my closet today. I'm working on it.

Ellie Goulding. How the hell did I not know about her before?! SHE IS AMAZING! I bought her album because it was on sale on itunes (yes, I am THAT cheap) because I heard/liked her song "Lights", and I CANNOT stop listening to her album. She's coming to Minneapolis on the 4th of August, and I think I may die if I don't get tickets. Possibly an over-exaggeration, but not by much. I will definitely have a meltdown.

Speaking British people, (Ellie is British), Ally and I looked into British actors because of the release of HP7P2 (which I admired as a movie, by the way), and let me just say, there are some attractive British men. I'll direct you here:


Regrettably, I've started thinking about school lately, because, well my mind has had a lot of time to wander. But of course, I didn't care to think about the actual work part, I just thought about all the FUN things that are going to happen once school starts, such as the band trips (holler, what?) and, of course, HOMECOMING. With Homecoming (should that "h" be capitalized? Probably not, but I'm not very good at grammar, so screw that) comes dresses. And last year, I seriously got my dress a week before the dance, and it'd be cool if I didn't do the same thing this year. So, ladies, if you have any suggestions for where to get dresses besides the obvious, tell me PLEASE! Thanks :)

I am so addicted to ABC Family. All of the TV that I plan to watch (meaning I turn the TV on at the time the show starts or record it, as opposed to just turning on the TV because I'm bored) is on ABC Family. Except for Friends, because I think that's on TBS too. SERIOUSLY THOUGH, I watch Pretty Little Liars, Switched at Birth, the Nine Lives of Chloe King, Friends, and almost all of their movies. As sad as it is to say, I'm even kind of excited for their "Campus Crush" week.

Anyway, back to where I was going initially with this. So I just watched their new movie "Cyberbully", and I basically bawled my eyes out. Ok, that's a bit of an overexageration, but I did cry. That's especially sad, because I can't even relate to the movie! I started crying because I kept thinking, "What if this happened to me or one of my friends?" But it never has. Not even close. I really haven't seen much bullying in our school, which I am thankful of (dur) but especially not like the b*tch in this movie. Seriously, watch it and try to tell me that this Lindsey chick wasn't like fed evil juice as a child.

Anyway, I encourage you to watch the movie, because as cheesy as it is, it's maybe eye-opening, and could be helpful. And last I'm going to leave you guys with a challenge:
After you're done reading I want you to go spread some positivity on the internet. Whether it be as simple as "liking" someone's profile picture, to sending them a message saying you haven't seen them in a while, or how have they been, or whatever, but just go be nice. Because everyone likes hearing something nice, whether you're a fire-breathing bitch (I'm to lazy to censor that) or someone who does nice things like this all the time.

Thanks for reading!
Go forth and spread the love <3

Thursday, July 14, 2011


In keeping with the mild wordle obsession I've had recently (I blame STEPS), here's a wordle of my blog:
Wordle: Words
I'm thinking about doing a questionaire (sp?) about me sometime soon, mainly because I'm out of ideas :)
If you have any, TELL ME! I HAVE NONE! ZERO! 
p.s. Happy Bastille, I mean Birthday, Ally :)