About half of the days so far this summer have been beyond lazy. I mean stay-in-my-pjs-don't-leave-the-house-sit-on-my-butt-all-day kind of days. I thought about making a new post literally everyday, but I just never got around to it. I've had plenty of exciting little tidbits that I wanted to share, but they haven't been enough to generate a whole post out of, or even remember for that matter.
I'm thinking about changing the tone of my blog a little bit. Not to a dark, depressing sort of tone; I'd get a different blog for that. Just to be a bit more real, because, frankly, all of my posts thus far have been just mildly entertaining fluff. Not that there's always a problem with fluff, but I kinda want my blog to have a bit more substance from time to time. Not every post will be like this, there will just be tidbits woven in with the fluff. Not that it really matters or anything, I just wanted to let anyone who bothers to read my writing aware of this.
You may be thinking, "What causes this random desire for a change of tone?" and the answers to that question are long and numerous, so buck up.
1. I was inspired by my friend Ellie's blog (www.piecesofwhats.blogspot.com). She's a phenomenal writer, and you should definitely go check out her blog.
2. My life has become kind of difficult lately due to a lot of things. A lot of it has been little injuries, disappointing turnouts for assorted activities, apathetic friends (don't worry, you would know if it's you), and various other things.
3. The biggest thing is my mom. For those of you who don't know, she has cancer. It's not an extremely serious type, but it's still been kinda difficult. She has Thyroid cancer (there may be a more medical name for it, I'm not really sure what it would be). She was diagnosed last spring, and like the week she was diagnosed, she had surgery on her neck (where your thyroid is located) and had the whole thing straight-up taken out. After that, she had to do a treatment, where she takes a radioactive pill to kill off all of the thyroid cells. Since the radioactivity can be let out of her body through bodily fluids like sweat, we couldn't touch anything she touched for a week, so that the radioactivity had time to dissipate. This is relevant now because she had to do the same thing again this week. Thankfully, it was a smaller check-up sort of dose, so it was only for about three days. Super thankfully, she went to the doctor for a body scan this morning, and she found out that it was clear, so she didn't have to take a larger dose again any time soon. I still don't totally understand everything about the cancer yet, and I'm leaving a lot of things out for the sake of keeping this as short as possible, but basically she's had to go through a lot lately, and I'm glad it's over for at least a while. :)
That was super depressing for you to read I'm sure, but let's move on.
I'm going to get a tumblr, because that way I can write shorter posts, and more frequent posts too. I'm not sure what the URL will be yet, but I'll let Facebook, and my blog know as soon as I create the account.
I know this post was insufficient for the immense amount of time I haven't been posting, and for that I am sorry, but it'll have to do for now.
I'll leave you with a lovely song that I've listened to nearly nonstop so far this summer. It's called "Lights" by Ellie Goulding, and it is just amazing. It's been out for a while I think, and she's been a really popular musician for a while as well, but I just discovered her and this song. So, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been :) Link, as always:
Happy summer. Stay safe, and enjoy yourself <3