"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." -- Mark Twain

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bleeding Hyperactively?

Our communication class' homework board said "take a nap" yesterday. So I did. For two and a half hours straight. It was fabulous.

Guys, this is my second bloody nose of the day. It just starts bleeding. I don't like run into walls (which would be understandable for me) or get punched in the face (less likely, but believable nonetheless) but my nose just BLEEDS HYPERACTIVELY. It may be due to the fact that I'm still sick so I've probably blown my nose 789692785762304562035y88567456982364982 times today. Yea, I know there was a "y" in that number.

Perhaps you heard there was a wedding this morning. I definitely did NOT wake up to watch it/record it/google it/stalk it/care. Guys, it's a wedding. C'mon now. That's weird.

I'm ushering for our school's spring musical review tonight, and I'm pretty much ready for them to knock my socks, pants, and other clothing articles off. Actually, I'll just keep my pants, thanks.

If you actually haven't noticed by now, literally nothing exciting happened today. But I just really like filling up this space.

Holy crap, I just heard my sister ask my mom where she could watch the whole royal wedding. I'm in the wrong family, seriously.

I found out how to say "Darren Criss is my favorite actor" in French today.
Day. Made.

And that's all for this Friday. I should really come up with an inventive closing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Moderately-Sized Dinosaur

Lame Wednesday. Hump day. Giggle.

I'm going to go ahead and be lazy today and entertain you with a picture again. I'll throw in some random thoughts from today too, just because.

First off, sorry for the vast amount of grammar and spelling errors in my last post. I'll probably get around to fixing them....uh...around...
Well I probably won't to be quite honest, but I'm sorry your eyes and mind have to deal with them

Second, Happy Endings has entered my top 5 favorite TV shows to watch. Others include Castle, Glee, Modern Family, Pretty Little Liars, Myth Busters (What?! I'm a nerd, get over it.), That 70's Show, and Better with You.
Yea, that was more than 5. Deal.

We got cake today in communications class. Yup.

We're starting our nutrition unit in health on Thursday. I'm not exactly looking forward to finding out the scientific figures about how much I eat, because it's probably going to be about the same as that of a moderately sized dinosaur. Or something of equivalent consumption capacity.

Being sick. It sucks.

Cough drops. They taste like sh*t.

Hey look, I'm walking on water. It may or may not actually be ice, but thats irrelevant.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I lied.

So I said I would blog yesterday, but I didn't. Lets be real, no one except maybe Ally is reading this, and this is pretty much just a sad excuse not to do productive things. What else is new?

And in this particular post, I might contradict (right word? probs not...) the times a little bit because I wrote the first two paragraphs on Monday, and the others I'm pulling out thin, humid air right now.

I'm actually writing this in science class right now. You may think "What? you're blogging in class??" Well, yes. Our science class, while quite educational and chock-full of stuff to learn, is quite boring. We pretty much get all of our work done in about the first half-hour of class and then talk/chill/etc. for the rest of the time. Of course it would seem like it's and easy class then, but of course, NO. The classwork is super chill, and then you get to test time and it's like BAM! CRAZY HARD TEST WITH A 75% CLASS AVERAGE SCORE! So lesson to be learned: even if the class bores you half to death, at least try to listen instead of, say, drawing an elaborate full-page picture or maybe blogging...

I know if I talk about communications its always intense venting (which I could do plenty of today) but instead I'm going to tell you about the one aspect of that class I actually like: our book club books. Last book club sucked royally, but this time around I'm reading "Secret Life of Bees" and its not half bad. Quality book if anyone's interested.

(quote from Darren Criss' livestream show-thing)

This is going to turn into a Glee blog if I don't stop absorbing too much about the show. Screwthat. Darren Criss did another live webcast today! It was an interview with some fidgety chick from Billboard magazine. Not that I would know, because livestream was being a douche, so I got to see a total of literally 5 minutes of it.
Glee is also 1.5 x as long as it usually is tonight!!! Whooooo! You can bet that will hold my homework off till its over. AND the Warblers are singing a beautiful cover of "Somewhere only we Know" by Keane. Well I think it's beautiful anyway... apparently this one weird kid who sits with us at lunch disagrees *ahem* ZAC.

It rained for seriously the whole day today, and the world (or city for that matter) is looking more of my favorite color than it has in about six months. Thats green in case you didn't catch that. I suppose if you assumed my favorite color is pink, your mind would have been whacked-up on visions of one trippy world. Pink, by the way, disgusts me as a color. Its so gross. My sister couldn't disagree more, and painted her room straight up PEPTO-FRIGGIN-BISMOL PINK when we moved in. It matches her personality to say the least, in that she's really sound and girly. Not the stomach medicine part. That would be messed up.

I OD'd on YouTube a bit when I got home today, so all that homework I told myself I was going to finish before I watched Glee will be finished in either a sad attempt tonight with half open eyes, or in French class tomorrow. So basically just like every other day of the year.

Hey, we had burgers for dinner last night for the first time since fall. That was a milestone. And Delicious. I'm really weird about how I eat because I always eat a burger with mayo, but I don't spread the mayo on the bun before I eat it, I dip the side of my burger before I take a bite. Little known fact, I also don't like ketchup. At all. Ever. On anything. It's gross. DOUBLE RANDOM FACTS! We also had sweet potato fries which are like my favorite food ever. No, that's a lie. Not ever. More like top 10. Naw, top 17. Yea, that's a little more accurate.

I'm a little sick this week and I think it may be a reaction to our French teacher, because its definitely going around our French class. Meredith, Elisabeth and I all got the same symptoms at pretty much the same time. I swear, Madame is contagious.

Speaking of Elisabeth, (woah, thats creepy considering I'm not sure that she knows this blog even exists. How weird would it be to find out someone was talking about you on the internet? Not being creepy here, I promise.) today marks ELEVEN years she has been cancer-free! A million congratulations to you, Elisabeth!!!

And on that surprisingly happy note, byeeee.
(Ally gets it)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Now I don't actually have ADHD (officially) but this may be the most random blog you've ever read. Probs not, but you get the point.

Chris Colfer made TIME Magazine's top 100 most influential people!!! Not only did me make it, but he was voted the seventh most influential person! I love Chris Colfer and all, but I don't necessarily know if I would consider him the seventh most influential person... oh, well. Good for him!
TIME Article here -> http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2058044_2060338_2060001,00.html

I think I can say at this point that my third favorite thing about Glee (after Darren Criss and the music) would have to be Britney's lines. So great. "Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?" How can you not think this chick is great? Link to some of her best one-liners: http://www.fox.com/glee/photos/#extras/brittanysoneliners:6515993

Tall socks. They happen to be one of my weird obsessions. I just got a brand spanking new pair from Universal studios in LA over spring break, and I just LOVE them! They're neon blue and yellow tube sock and they're just sweet. Except my nose starting bleeding one day and not they have a bit of a blood stain on them, but it'll come out...right? please?

So when we were talking about relaxation techniques in health class, one group's topic was comedy. Naturally, they decided to tell a joke. It was "How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they have a machine for that now."
... I was like the only one that got it...

On that topic of drumming: I AM SO SCARED FOR DRUM LINE AUDITIONS!! Last year I had to rush to auditions straight from soccer practice, and I was SHAKING the whole time. That's probs why I got put on cymbals. Naw, I'm just joking. I got put on cymbals cause I suck. But this year was going to be different. I finally started private lessons, and Percussion Ensemble, so I thought, 'Hey, I can not be cymbals this year.' WELL, that was before I knew that OUR PRIVATE LESSON TEACHER ISN'T HELPING ANYONE WITH THE AUDITION MATERIAL DURING LESSONS. UGH. I mean, what is this? That is like the single reason I'm taking lessons to begin with. Sorry, Adam...

Speaking of things I'm scared for, Link Leader interview tomorrow AND my dance recital is in like three weeks, AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED LEARNING OUR TAP DANCE! wow, this is an excessive amount of capital letters for a single blog...

Oh, yea... and it's Easter. I got a new hair brush and a ring with peace signs on it. But of course, since I have like obese fingers from cracking them so much, the ring is too small for my pointer finger, and too big for my pinky finger, so now I have to wear it on my ring finger. You'd think: "Well, it's your ring finger. What's wrong with that?" Let me tell you. I tend to switch which hand my ring is on subconsciously, so then I'm wearing it on my left hand. Not a huge deal, but awkward nonetheless.

So now I should probably do something at least mildly productive, so I'll blog tomorrow. Bai.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Since it's EARTH DAY, I should be conserving electricity by turning off electronics and stuff like that, but this computer has been on for literally 2 hours while I've tried to come up with something to write about. So this might be a little sparse. Deal.

It would have been nice if there was at least one day this week that I could respond with something other than "Il fait mauvais," (it is bad) when Madame asked us "Quel temps fait-it?" ("What is the weather like?" Not the literal or necessarily correct translation, but that's the way we learned it.) But, of course, there was no better response than "Il fait frais." It was even raining today. Now don't get me wrong, j'adore quand il pleut, but it certainly does not help the sky's dreary complexion.

Darren Criss update for the day: He was on Ellen, and hilarious as always. Pretty chill week for him: Today show Tuesday, live webstream Wednesday, and Ellen on Friday. Ya know, nbd.

I'm such a quitter. My new year's resolution was to stretch everyday so I could get my splits flat again, but man, it is not fun to leave it until the last minute and try to force yourself into splits at 1 a.m. So, after struggling through three months of that, I've decided I'm way too lazy of a teenager to keep it up. Ugh.

Aaaaaaaand, that's it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Low Creativity

I'm kind of drained today, so here are some pictures instead. :)

They'd be a lot more legit if my camera didn't have such shitty quality. But due to the fact that I've gone through three or four cameras so far, I'm not really optimistic enough to buy another one.
That's it. Have a pleasant Thursday evening.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Darren Criss, Snow, and Demonic Teachers.

Snow. It snowed last night. So this morning on the 20th of freaking APRIL, everything was covered in snow. To top it off, the sky is the bleakest shade of gray (grey?) I have ever seen. For the third day in a row.
Best quote I've heard today: "Mother Nature must be on her period with this weather."
I lol'd.

So Darren Criss is doing a live webstream today. Like it's happening right now. He's singing songs that have been requested and calling people and answering questions and stuff. If anyone in the world requested "Sweet Caroline":
2) I will scream my ass off if he sings that.
"Whether you're gay, straight, purple, orange, dinosaur, I don't care." What. A. Stud.

Whoa, he just made a West Side Story reference. Favorite musical + Favorite celebrity = SO GREAT.
Completely unrelated to that, my communications teacher is awful. You know all of those cartoons of fire-breathing, screaming, demonic teachers? Welcome to my world everyday during second block. I'm surprised her eyes haven't like turned red yet. Actual quote directed towards our class (which isn't that bad of a class):
"Making your heads explode. Just the thought makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside."

Word of the Day: Huzzah (keeping with the Darren Criss theme)


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tuesdays are pretty much only good for one reason: Glee is on.
Everything else is just murgh. I didn't think it was a great episode tonight... there was a serious Blaine deficit. He only had like 10 lines... murgh.

I passionately dislike biology class. Biology as a subject is, obviously very useful and helpful and blah blah blah. But it's definitely NOT fun when you only eat a yogurt for lunch because you have a panic attack about a test and take lunchtime to study. Whooo.

Speaking of yogurt, the french word for yogurt is yaourt according to our textbooks, which seems similar enough, but the pronunciation is infinitely cooler. YAAAAAOUUUUUUUUURRT. Your mouth goes through like an entire range of movements.

We're getting our carpet stretched tomorrow. Its just as cool as it sounds.... they stretch our carpet out because the people who put carpet in in the first place were stupid and left bumps in it. Its even cooler because we have to move all of the furniture out of the rooms. murgh again.

It sucks to have thick hair because it takes literally 4+ hours to air dry. And then it frizzes and looks like I got electrocuted.

Wow, has this been negative enough or what?

Ok, 2 positive notes:
1) We got to write about a setting for communications homework so I wrote about my room. It was fun and descriptive because I have so much crap in there.
2) So I mentioned Glee earlier cause its pretty much a fabulous show. And guess the glee what? I'M GOING TO SEE THEM ON TOUR! shyeah.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A blog? What?!

Why on earth did I make this? Like I couldn't find enough ways to waste time already....

You know you're wasting time too.

List of things that I've found exceptionally phenomenal today:
  • Cheesy 90's pop music
  • "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
  • Doodling in class (the only application I've found thus far for the skills I learned in art classes)
  • Inside jokes
  • Sunshine
  • The word "awkward"
  • Cinnamon-raisin toast
  • Finding out that most AP prompts give you the option to write about a play instead of a book
On the other hand...

Things that were NOT phenomenal today:
  • Taking excessive amounts of notes
  • Teachers who talk about how physically harming children helps build character
  • Teachers in general...
  • Migraines
  • etc, etc...
Oh, Mondays......